

Krysta was my Midwife in 2020/2021 for the pregnancy & birth of my 3rd child. The care I received was incredible. I had a complicated pregnancy with a COVID infection in my 7th month (for a full month). But Krysta was there every step of the way, guiding me and caring for me and baby Winnifred with her spectacular Midwife skills! Krysta always knows what to say, and when to say it. She has the best bed-side manner I've ever experienced with a care Provider. I honestly miss my ever-so-complicated pregnancy purely because I miss spending time with her! Krysta is a beautiful soul and a highly skilled Midwife, I recommend her emphatically and whole-heartedly to anyone looking for Midwifery care in North Idaho!

— Bekah Saunders

“Our home birth with Krysta was such an incredible experience! We both felt educated and supported going into our choice of having a home birth, which led to feeling empowered during the whole process. As a mama, I felt completely safe to go into my zone and release all worries about the birth, knowing that every single thing was being taken care and all I had to do was focus on my breath and working with my body to birth this beautiful baby. It was a perfect sunny day, we laughed between contractions, and just like that our little guy was born! Extremely personal and professional care in the most natural setting, our home. I wouldn’t change a thing, the birth was one of the most incredible and healing experiences I’ve ever had.”

— Rachelle McNamara


“Having Krysta and Hannah as part of my birth team was more than I could have hoped for. I love their level of care and attention to details of what I needed as a birthing momma. Every prenatal appointment with Krysta I felt heard and understood with my wishes, and she always answered all my questions or concerns with great knowledge and grace. She made me feel that no question was silly to ask and that I always had all the information I needed to make an informed decision in regards to my care. During the birth it took longer than I had anticipated with it being my 4th baby. It was a tough one, but because of them I was able to have a victorious and triumphant birth. As I would start to doubt myself, Krysta and Hannah were right there to hold my hand and lift me up and encourage me that I could do this. I will always remember Krysta gently holding my face and looking me straight in the eyes while I said “I don’t know if I can do this anymore.” to which she sweetly replied “You’re doing it mama. You and your baby are safe and okay, and you are doing it.” I knew in that moment I could, in fact, keep doing this. They were always there for me to grab, lean on, yell at or just hug. I couldn’t have asked for a better birth team. The support I felt from my birth team is something I will never forget. I hope and wish for all birthing mommas to be able to have that. If you have them on your birth team, you will have that same support I had. I always felt loved and cared for and knew they had my best interest at heart. I appreciated the support I also had post-partum. The check ins, reaching out to make sure I’m doing ok, and loving on my sweet new baby girl. I am so thankful for the level of care that Krysta provided during my pregnancy post-partum time. I will forever hold a deep place in my heart for these ladies and I love them with my whole heart..”

— Natalie Frisbie


“I transferred to Krysta’s care late in my pregnancy. She provided a safe space for all questions, concerns, doubts, and desires. Krysta approached each decision through my pregnancy, labor and delivery with calm confidence that allowed me to follow my intuition. She provided emotional support to my husband throughout the entire journey. Our delivery was traumatic, yet Krysta handled it with grace. She saved my daughter’s life at birth and poured her heart and soul into caring for us through the recovery. I’m forever grateful that Krysta was the provider in my birth story. I believe that she works within her expertise and doesn’t hesitate to seek support when needed.”

— Ali Blake


"Krysta Freed is an amazing Midwife! She has delivered all three of our children and we couldn't be happier with the care we have received from her. In all prenatal, birth and postnatal care she is very thorough, takes time to listen and address questions and concerns as well as to help make sure you are well informed and educated. Through all stages she is very supportive of the fact that you are the parents, you make the decisions. We trust her judgement and know she will take the best possible care of us. We plan on choosing her care for all of our future children!"

— Molly Jasper