Your Team

Hey, We’re Your Nest

We are so fortunate to live in a community full of so many excellent midwives! This community is booming and we are excited to add our own flavor. After spending the last couple of years in a large practice, it was time to plant my feet, get back to my roots and really decide what kind of midwife I would like to be. A slow paced, in-home practice is where my heart is at. We would like to maintain a slower pace to prioritize longer appointments, attention to detail and the kind of connection that we just can’t help but get excited when the phone rings and it’s YOU!


Krysta Freed - LM, CPM

Hello and thank you for reading about us!

I’m Krysta. I’ve been loving midwifery since my own pregnancy in 2011. Late in my gestation, I realized I was looking for more education and connection with my growing baby and my providers. I switched care from an OB’s office to a lovely group of midwives at 8 months pregnant and never looked at the world the same again. The knowledge, support and friendships I gained in that short time fueled my midwifery fire.

From then on I could not stop learning about safe, connected pregnancy care. Gaining training and experience from the best midwives in our area, I became licensed in 2017 after 5 years of attending births.

I have experience in large and small practice settings and know in my bones a small intimate midwifery practice is where I am meant to be. This allows for close client/midwife relationships and allows me to stay an active part in my family of 5. Together, with my husband, Doug and my three girls, we adventure in our local lakes and rivers and enjoy being movie buffs.

I look forward to meeting you and your families and continuing to learn, love and serve our local communities.

- Idaho licensed and certified professional midwife.
- Licensed midwife position on the Idaho State Maternal Mortality Review Committee
- Region 1 Representative for the Idaho Midwifery Council.
- Neonatal resuscitation program & cardiopulmonary resuscitation certified
- Regularly attend regional peer review meetings
- Region one Representative for Idaho Midwifery Council
- Education is always continuing (continuing education required for state licensure and national accreditation)


Lisa Walters - Student Midwife

Hi, I'm Lisa! I hold many titles at the moment--wife, mom, friend, birth doula, childbirth educator, student midwife, and, one of my favorites--Nana. (Being grandma to four amazing tiny humans is beyond delightful and fills me with joy.)

When my youngest daughter was born at home, I loved the experience so much it launched me into a desire to be a birth worker. That desire was put on hold for a few years while my babies were little, but since 2008 I've had the privilege of supporting families as a birth doula and childbirth educator. I am beyond grateful for each one of the families I've walked with through such a pivotal time in their lives and I have learned so much from each one.

In 2022, I felt the pull to move in a slightly different direction and became a student midwife with Mercy In Action, working towards a midwifery degree. I am so very excited to be a part of the Your Nest team and truly feel blessed to be able to support families as they bring their babies into the world.

Besides all things birth-related, my favorite things include spending time with my family, reading, watching inspiring TV (like Call the Midwife!), and coffee with friends. I'm one of the oddballs who loves winter, isn't really outdoorsy, and doesn't garden. But I did recently take up running outside!

- Certified Neonatal Resuscitation

- Certified Basic Life Support / CPR

- Certified Doula and Childbirth Educator

- Midwifery Student at Mercy in Action College of Midwifery

- Current Member of the Idaho Midwifery Council